The Summary

I was assigned a task by the marketing team to interview students and ask them what they make of the third lockdown in the UK.

Due to colleges being closed, I could not do my podcast the way I wanted to. Therefore, I had to improvise and gain more confidence based on interviewing people whom I have never met. I made a very fair sample group and asked their opinions about the lockdown. This had a dual purpose, not only did it give us an idea on how the students cope with lockdown but also if they could get used to online learning / work in the future.

“Communications Champion Dagomir Wojcik spoke to students about studying from home during the second lockdown. He asked them about how they feel about it and their coping strategies.”

The Interview

How did you feel when you heard that there would be another lockdown?

“I mentally prepared myself prior to the lockdown that there was always a possibility of another lockdown and that it could come at any time.” Adam Taylor

“I felt tired, working from home is difficult. It feels less engaging to be via online lessons as there is no way of having direct individual feedback in lesson time.” Joshua Mitchell

“It is hard to pinpoint really, a few of us had expected to go into another lockdown, so I wasn’t too surprised when it was announced.” Charlotte Riley

How do you add structure to your days?

 “I follow my usual schedule I would adhere to at college (timetable etc.) and with any free time I would complete work that I needed to do.” Adam

“Planning my day, I set tasks of work to do where I feel my knowledge is weakest, I then work on these areas over a set amount of time until I feel confident and then move on while revising retained knowledge.” Joshua

“I take every day as if I was going to college so that would be get up get ready start my pre reading then log on for the days lessons.” Charlotte

Do you have other family members working, or studying from home?

 “No, both my parents work full time and neither of them are able to work from home.” Adam

“Yes, all of my family members in my household are either working or studying online. This can prove quite annoying when there is a lack of internet bandwidth.” Joshua

“I have my dad working at home so sometimes it’s easy to get distracted as his conferences can sometimes interfere with my online lessons.” Charlotte

Is it difficult for you to learn remotely?

“No, learning remotely is a good way of learning especially in times like this, I think it’s a great way, as opposed to no learning at all.” Adam

“It can be. Living with younger siblings there is constant noise and not a lot of time to focus.” Joshua

“For me I miss the normality of having the routine of going into college, but I wouldn’t say that it’s difficult for me to learn remotely in some ways it motivates me to do better.” Charlotte

What improvements would you have for online learning within the college?

“To remove the permissions that allow people to mute the teachers and kick other students out of the classes.” Adam

“There isn’t much to improve upon with the given resources that teachers and students have access to. The lessons are structured to be as engaging as possible and the students need to feel more motivated to cooperate with that.” Joshua

“My lessons are very interactive especially for psychology and sociology, so I don’t really think I have any improvements to add.” Charlotte

Do you have any tips for other students who are studying at home during lockdown?

“My one tip would be not to worry, people get stressed in lockdown and it effects them as a person and academically, you may not be able to see your friends, you may not be able to go anywhere, but if you follow the guidance, you will see your friends again, you will see family again, just try not to let the stress take over and do your thing.” Adam

“Keep active, don’t fall short of what your work goals just because lockdown feels like time wasted. Try and talk to other people as well just to remain social.” Joshua

“Take time for yourself, if you need to take a break from social media, to make sure you are in the right mind set do it, it can help you to restore your motivation as well as a bit of structure for your day.” Charlotte

Do you have any goals that you would like to achieve this year, academic / otherwise?

“I’d like to secure a part-time job, in order to bring experience to my CV.” Adam

“I’d like to achieve the grades I need to go to university. Due to lockdown, I feel like there has been less pressure to attain the grades I need. This has changed recently to a point where I am scheduled to do work at specific points, and I feel more confident in my knowledge.” Joshua

“My goals for this year are to work towards getting good grades so I can apply for an apprenticeship in either the NHS, or if not, I’ll continue working in a primary school to save up enough money to fund my university course for psychology.” Charlotte

How do you keep in touch with friends and family?

“Through texting. I text them daily to make sure they are okay and adhering to the governments guidance.” Adam

“Bi-monthly we do a Zoom call with our other family members where we all catch-up and complain about our lockdown lives.” Joshua

“Usually through phone calls or through video game parties when playing games.” Charlotte

By Dagomir Wójcik

👋🏻 Hello! I am currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Business Information Technology at BCU. I have displayed a lot of interest in the field of IT as demonstrated by my former projects and accomplishments. My motivation and eagerness to learn increases overtime and I am ready to demonstrate the skills I learned in a professional environment.