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Young People’s Perception of The Police

A group of 16-19-year-olds in Birmingham recently participated in a pioneering design workshop, aimed at improving relationships between young people and the police. Hosted at Birmingham Metropolitan College in May 2024, this was another in a series of events taking place around the country, providing an opportunity for young people to ‘discover their voice’ and see in practice that they can influence decisions that impact their community. The students were joined by around 20 officers from the West Midlands Police Force, professional designers from Experience Haus, and sponsors AXON, together with mentors from local & national charities. They collaborated with the experts to create digital solutions that will help promote better understanding and encourage better relationships between themselves and the police. Ideas included an App that provides young people with their `rights & responsibilities’ if they were subject of a Stop & Search procedure, and a website where young people can find activities in their local area, overlayed with a map showing updates on any crime issues to be aware of. Ultimately, their ideas will be taken forward and developed into a real, working solution.

Video of Event
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